Wednesday, August 16, 2006


It might not be Shakespeare, but they are loving it!! My little princes have found a niche (for now - probably best to call it a fad or phase as most things are!). This drama club they are going to this week has proved to be great fun. Both of them are actually putting on a little play for Friday this week and T has made a buddy which is also great, not so great is that they don't live locally, are visiting grandparents which is why they are attending and are probably moving to California in September, so it may be an affair to remember. He lives with his parents in Manhattan and has a little brother a couple of months older than I. so it would have been perfect *sigh*
Still we had a fun afternoon having a picnic and then a playdate at the park. I. insisted on wearing her wellies again today, despite yesterday being the rainy today and today being more like 78 again! A contrary day for her by all accounts.

I know how to live and get excited - I had a delivery today .......
Ambrosia custard, Ame and HP sauce!! Good website, Jolly Grub, stocking all those little bits that we do actually miss. There isn't much we miss on the food front as you can get much of the same here, but salad cream and HP are the crux to a good potato salad or bacon buttie (or so I have been told - I don't like bacon so wouldn't know!)

I am thinking of setting up a website with some of my piccies on so that you will be able to take a look at what we have been up to. Thing is, before I do, I need to learn how to lock photos so that they can't be lifted onto other places, not so much for copyright, more for safety, I don't like the thought of pics appearing where they shouldn't be. I am also writing a couple of articles for a magazine, good job there is spell checker!

Update: Okay, I have added a link to my new "photoworld" in the links, or you can click HERE This has taken most of my time this evening to sort out and somehow I have managed to download a crappy photo of me and T dressed as clowns and can't delete it. I think that it is here to stay and haunt me forever! Ah well, I guess the camera never lies eh?

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