Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's all just Madness!

We were in a rush today. I'd been out observing with an independent midwife all day at ante and postnatal visits and after tea Master Beehive the younger decides to inform me that he has homework in his bag due in tomorrow.
Pah, thinks I! Still, it's been half term, the soonest she'd have gotten it out to the children was yesterday, Monday, so there can't be much!
Pah! again! No, there is three pages of maths and then he has to write a page on what he was "going to do"(?) in the half term. Of course I am wondering whether he was actually given this before half term, but no, he insists not!.

So, we now have at least an hour of homework to do after dinner!
Pah! thrice!

Luckily for older siblings though - what a beauty they are. I packed the Little Miss upstairs with her elder brother under strict instruction for him to read to her, supervise face, hand and teeth cleaning and then sing her the song she likes before bed. Master Beehive the elder loves authority (of his own, not mine of course) bundles her upstairs, chivvying her along.
Suddenly I hear him singing at the top of his voice - "Naughty boys in nasty schools, headmasters breaking all the rules...." 8-O apparently at the request of the Little Miss. She had cool older bro up there tonight singing funky songs rather than mummy or daddy and their boring renditions of "I had a little nut tree". Big Bros Rock!

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