Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blowing away cobwebs.

Today I decided to take a day off from the books. I'm fed up of having my head in them. It's half term and the kids need me.

I had two happy and willing volunteers who could easily be coerced with a trip to the beach and a hot chocolate at the end.

The eldest Beehive was at an outdoor assault course in the trees with his dad - as you do, so we bundled ourselves up in coats, scarves, hats and gloves as the wind has suddenly picked up in the last few days and plummeted the weather to around 5 or 6 degrees, got our bucket and spade and pootled off to the beach.

It was actually gorgeous, if you could see for the tears streaming down your face and forget about the chill factor desperately trying to create icicles with the tears. There weren't many people on the beach, which was lovely for us, but what a shame on what they missed out on. So, here are a few photos of our day:

Right at the top of the beach!

The cakes were very tempting!

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