Thursday, September 30, 2010

A short film about life and death

This film was made by Marie Stopes highlighting the risks that are associated with birth in developing countries. Things that we have choices over or take for granted, such as getting to hospital or having medical help to hand should it be needed and thus surviving to take hold our babies and see them grow.

This particular film was made in Bwindi, the hospital where a friend of mine and his partner have been for the last five years. They have done great work there.

Making the hospital a recognised AIDS testing centre, reducing malaria by selling cheap mosquito nets and teaching the community to use them, building a maternity wing allowing women to come there to safely have their babies are just a couple of the many amazing things they made happen whilst they were there.

Obviously, they are now back here, but life and the work still goes on in Bwindi and the world over to reduce maternal mortality. So, please take a minute to watch the film. It brought tears to my eyes, particularly in the knowledge that, for a midwife such as Elisabeth, death is a real part of birth, whereas for me, I hope I will never come across it with the women I work for.

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